
Humanitarian aid to Gaza continues despite local challenges


The United States has airdropped almost 1,110 tons of aid into northern Gaza since March 2, with safe deliveries relying on the ability of recipients to stay organized and civil, CENTCOM said.

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US cargo plane being loaded up with humanitarian aid destined for Gaza on April 30. [CENTCOM]
US cargo plane being loaded up with humanitarian aid destined for Gaza on April 30. [CENTCOM]

The United States and its ally Jordan continue to carry out life-saving airdrops of foreign humanitarian assistance to Gaza.

On a trip to the kingdom Tuesday (April 30), US Secretary of State Antony Blinken thanked Jordan for its "strong coordination in facilitating the delivery of life-saving humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza, including through airdrops and overland deliveries."

Blinken underscored the necessity of expediting the flow of humanitarian assistance to those in need.

US Central Command (CENTCOM) and the Royal Jordanian Air Force combined to airdrop aid into northern Gaza on Sunday, CENTCOM said in a statement.

The delivery of humanitarian assistance included more than 25,000 Meals Ready to Eat (MREs) and more than 13,080 meal equivalents of Jordanian food supplies.

Such aid is meant for everyone in Gaza, with safe deliveries relying on the ability of recipients to stay organized and civil, CENTCOM said.

Looting by Palestinians in Gaza of aid trucks, food warehouses and the contents of internally displaced persons' homes has become rampant amid the spread of famine-like conditions in the strip.

Almost 1,110 tons of food delivered

So far, the United States has airdropped almost 1,110 tons of aid to northern Gaza.

The humanitarian airdrops continue US and partner-nation efforts to relieve human suffering.

CENTCOM plans "follow-on aerial deliveries" in this "sustained effort," it said.

The United States has distributed almost $4 trillion in foreign aid to communities in need throughout the world since World War II, according to the Council on Foreign Relations.

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