
Airdrops show US commitment to deliver aid to Gaza by all means possible


In Gaza, as in other places across the world, the United States is committed to delivering humanitarian assistance to alleviate suffering and help citizens in need.

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Four US C-130 aircraft prepare to airdrop 50,600 meal equivalents into northern Gaza on April 9. [CENTCOM]
Four US C-130 aircraft prepare to airdrop 50,600 meal equivalents into northern Gaza on April 9. [CENTCOM]

The US military has airdropped more than 850 tons of humanitarian aid into northern Gaza to date, contributing to ongoing US and partner-nation government efforts to alleviate human suffering.

Since March 2, US Army soldiers aboard US Air Force aircraft have conducted near-daily airdrops of food to civilians in Gaza, as part of a larger plan to get aid into the strip by air, land and sea.

On April 11, a US C-130 aircraft dropped approximately 6,000 pounds (2,721 kg) of food into northern Gaza in a joint operation, bringing the total of US airdropped aid to approximately 855 tons.

Earlier on April 9 and April 10, four C-130 aircraft and US Army soldiers specialized in aerial delivery of humanitarian assistance supplies dropped over 50,600 US meal equivalents into northern Gaza each of those days.

And on April 8, one US C-130 dropped more than 6,000 pounds of Jordanian food supplies, which included dry goods.

The success of these operations is due to the ability for the United States and its partners to operate safely in the area, and to civilian compliance with the delivery procedures put in place to ensure the safety of the intended recipients, the military said.

These procedures allow a successful and safe drop zone for US military and coalition partners, including Jordan, Cyprus, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, France and Belgium.

Commitment to providing aid

The United States provides more foreign aid than any other country in the form of money, technical assistance and commodities.

Since World War II, it has distributed almost $4 trillion in foreign aid, according to the Council on Foreign Relations.

US assistance has reached people in more than 150 countries and territories across the world, even volatile regions, including Ukraine, Central and East Africa, and South and Central Asia.

In Gaza, the US military is also planning to build an offshore pier and causeway connecting it to Gaza's Mediterranean coast to enable humanitarian aid by sea.

Once in place, the pier is expected to be capable of providing about two million meals a day.

Meanwhile, efforts to increase and streamline the delivery of aid by land continue, leading to the opening of a new land crossing with northern Gaza on April 11.

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But America must resolve the Palestinian cause once and for all; it's been there for 70 years.


[email protected]


You bring food assistance to Gaza while you support the Israeli occupation with weapons to kill innocent citizens. Damn you!


This is a lie; we're at a prison in Rafah.


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