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Combat training centers aim to create a standardized force of leaders and units that are equally skilled and equally trained across offense, defense and stability operations.

Operations 2024-06-21

US Army Brigade Combat Teams undergo rigorous training

Combat training centers aim to create a standardized force of leaders and units that are equally skilled and equally trained across offense, defense and stability operations.

Combat training centers aim to create a standardized force of leaders and units that are equally skilled and equally trained across offense, defense and stability operations.

Capabilities Analysis 2024-06-20

US Army: robust, adaptive force addresses global challenges

The US Army's complex but coherent system poises it to meet diverse needs both at home and around the world.

Combat training centers aim to create a standardized force of leaders and units that are equally skilled and equally trained across offense, defense and stability operations.

Weapon Systems 2024-06-18

US military's Rapid Dragon offers low-cost bombing capabilities

Imbuing the US Air Force's sizable cargo aircraft fleet with bomber capabilities grants the military tremendous flexibility and additional capacity.

Combat training centers aim to create a standardized force of leaders and units that are equally skilled and equally trained across offense, defense and stability operations.

Weapon Systems 2024-06-18

Rapid Dragon empowers US, allies with game-changing munitions delivery

The palletized munitions system allows US and NATO forces a flexible rapid response option for use with cargo aircraft.

Combat training centers aim to create a standardized force of leaders and units that are equally skilled and equally trained across offense, defense and stability operations.

Capabilities Analysis 2024-06-15

China's dependence on Suez Canal presents vulnerability

Beijing's economic links to the West depend heavily on the Suez Canal, a key maritime route through which about 60% of Chinese trade with Europe typically transits.

Combat training centers aim to create a standardized force of leaders and units that are equally skilled and equally trained across offense, defense and stability operations.

Notices 2024-06-13

US Army celebrates 249 years of service, partnership

For decades, the US Army's partnership with countries in the Middle East has been a bulwark against malign actors.

Combat training centers aim to create a standardized force of leaders and units that are equally skilled and equally trained across offense, defense and stability operations.

Operations 2024-06-13

Royal Navy achieves major drug busts in Indian Ocean

The HMS Lancaster has seized over $41 million of illicit drugs in patrols with Combined Task Force 150. The UK's ongoing support to regional peace and security is key to maintaining open sea lanes.

Combat training centers aim to create a standardized force of leaders and units that are equally skilled and equally trained across offense, defense and stability operations.

Operations 2024-06-12

China places risky bet on Iranian partnership for maritime security

Despite the critical importance of Bab al-Mandeb to its maritime trade, China lacks the ability to force Iran's cooperation.

Combat training centers aim to create a standardized force of leaders and units that are equally skilled and equally trained across offense, defense and stability operations.

Capabilities Analysis 2024-06-10

US forces, allies maintain watch in Strait of Hormuz

China's energy and economic security rides on the Strait of Hormuz and Gulf nations. The key waterway plays a strategic role in any potential conflict between the United States and China.

Combat training centers aim to create a standardized force of leaders and units that are equally skilled and equally trained across offense, defense and stability operations.

Weapon Systems 2024-06-07

Rapid testing of B-21 Raider set to usher in new era of capabilities

The B-21, the world's first sixth-generation aircraft, will enter service in the mid-2020s, allowing the US and allies to evade even the most sophisticated air defense systems.

Combat training centers aim to create a standardized force of leaders and units that are equally skilled and equally trained across offense, defense and stability operations.

Weapon Systems 2024-06-03

B-2s equipped with 14,000kg bomb enable stealthy destruction of hardened bunkers

Massive Ordnance Penetrators are designed to reach and destroy weapons of mass destruction in well-protected facilities.