Weapon Systems 2024-12-06
An Alpha strike carried out by the Truman Carrier Strike Group would involve more than 30 aircraft and nearly 150 missiles, overwhelming even the most advanced Russian defense systems.
Alliances 2024-12-04
The UAE is one of the United States' key military partners in the Middle East. The two countries have had close ties and cooperation for the past five decades.
Weapon Systems 2024-12-04
The USS Truman is one of the US Navy's most decorated ships with 10 awards for superior performance and command readiness.
Weapon Systems 2024-12-03
A single B-52 can carry up to 20 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles (JASSMs) that have 450kg armor-piercing warheads and ranges of up to 920km.
Operations 2024-12-03
Misbehavior by Russia, China and Iran could lead to increased militarization of maritime chokepoints, threatening the free flow of goods and energy supplies critical to the global economy.
Weapon Systems 2024-12-02
By deploying the Patriot, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain, among others, enhance their own defensive capabilities while contributing to a collective regional security network.
Weapon Systems 2024-12-02
Capable of launching hundreds of missiles from ships and aircraft, the Truman CSG provides essential deterrence.