Weapon Systems

F-22 Raptor squadron represents feared adversary for opposing forces


F-22 fighter squadrons can hit 96 targets simultaneously, avoid detection from advanced air defense systems, and fly at supersonic speeds.

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F-22 Raptors fly in formation after being refueled by a KC-10 during a 2017 exercise. [US Air Force]
F-22 Raptors fly in formation after being refueled by a KC-10 during a 2017 exercise. [US Air Force]

The United States' five F-22 fighter squadrons are deemed the most feared adversaries of Russian, Chinese and Iranian defense forces.

Alongside its top-level stealth, maneuverability and speed, the Raptor's aerodynamic performance, integrated avionics and long-range supercruise capabilities allow a squadron of 12 fighters to cover vast swaths of sky and communicate and coordinate in destroying dozens of targets.

Carefully designed to avoid detection, the F-22 is one of the stealthiest and most maneuverable attack aircraft ever created.

The fuselage of the F-22 is shaped to minimize radar detection by deflecting radar energy in different directions. Even its paint job is specifically designed to be irregular and to hamper the imaging capabilities of adversary infrared missiles, thereby preventing them from locking on and targeting the aircraft.

The stealth of the F-22 is magnified because all weapons are carried internally, from the internally mounted 120mm M61 Vulcan Gatling gun to the ordnance in the weapon bays.

Air superiority

In its air-to-air combat configuration, each F-22 can carry two AIM-9 Sidewinder heat seeking air-to-air missiles and six AIM 120 radar-guided air-to-air missiles, allowing a squadron of 12 to destroy 96 targets with near simultaneity.

In addition to its air-to-air stealth attack capabilities, the F-22 can carry two 450kg GBU-32 Joint Direct Attack Munitions for ground attack alongside two AIM 120s for more than 1,220kg of ordnance.

Its thrust-to-weight ratio means that the F-22 can climb vertically and turn tightly without breaking speed.

Besides having sleek design and advanced controls, the F-22 is far more maneuverable than any other aircraft. This agility further prevents enemy aircraft from tracking and locking onto the Raptor, aiding in its ability to survive.

The F-22 can maintain speeds of Mach 2.25 or 2,780km per hour at high altitudes, enabling it to rapidly approach. This supersonic speed, combined with stealth technology and the high precision ordnance of the F-22, makes it a lethal threat to any adversary.

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