Development of the Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW) is under way. Hypersonic missiles stand out for their remarkable speed, making them difficult to detect.

Weapon Systems 2023-10-11

MH-60R Seahawk helicopter gives navies edge in anti-submarine warfare

The versatile helicopter is equipped with heavy weapons and a fully integrated mission system that allows for complete situational awareness of the sea surface and sub-sea domain.

Development of the Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW) is under way. Hypersonic missiles stand out for their remarkable speed, making them difficult to detect.

Weapon Systems 2023-10-10

Army Long-Range Persistent Surveillance: Detecting air threats without being seen

The US Army's new passive sensor technology is designed to help combat threats from the skies while remaining covert.

Development of the Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW) is under way. Hypersonic missiles stand out for their remarkable speed, making them difficult to detect.

Weapon Systems 2023-10-10

AH-1Z Viper enables Marines to tackle expeditionary challenges

The AH-1Z Viper helicopter is a multifunction attack helicopter distinctly capable of providing the Marine Corps with support across the entire domain of expeditionary challenges.

Development of the Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW) is under way. Hypersonic missiles stand out for their remarkable speed, making them difficult to detect.

Weapon Systems 2023-10-10

Black Hawk helicopters: a workhorse of combat, lifting troops for over 40 years

The versatile helicopter has multiple variants to equip it for a multitude of missions, including as an armed escort, fire-fighter and medical evacuation platform.

Development of the Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW) is under way. Hypersonic missiles stand out for their remarkable speed, making them difficult to detect.

Weapon Systems 2023-10-10

US Air Force 'Super Eagle' is one of world's fastest fighters

The F-15EX Eagle II is capable of quickly intercepting invading enemy fighters and bombers, and deploying a variety of weapons, including the long-range JASSM cruise missile.

Development of the Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW) is under way. Hypersonic missiles stand out for their remarkable speed, making them difficult to detect.

Weapon Systems 2023-10-06

C-RAM systems sense, track and destroy inbound threats from the skies

C-RAM systems, capable of destroying incoming rocket, artillery and mortar rounds before they hit the ground, are effective short-range air defense tools.

Development of the Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW) is under way. Hypersonic missiles stand out for their remarkable speed, making them difficult to detect.

Weapon Systems 2023-10-04

Avenger: highly mobile, short-range air defense

The Avenger is a shoot-on-the-move, completely automated, day-and-night capable short-range air defense weapon.

Development of the Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW) is under way. Hypersonic missiles stand out for their remarkable speed, making them difficult to detect.

Weapon Systems 2023-10-04

M2 Bradley fighting vehicle: 'not a tank, but a tank killer'

Since it entered service in 1981, the M2 Bradley family of armored tracked fighting vehicles has regularly destroyed tanks on the battlefield.

Development of the Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW) is under way. Hypersonic missiles stand out for their remarkable speed, making them difficult to detect.

Weapon Systems 2023-10-03

Proven capabilities put HIMARS at top of world's artillery rocket systems

This precision strike rocket system can be easily loaded and offloaded onto aircraft and naval vessels, and its maneuverability inhibits the adversary's ability to locate and target the launchers.

Development of the Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW) is under way. Hypersonic missiles stand out for their remarkable speed, making them difficult to detect.

Weapon Systems 2023-10-02

NASAMS: a trusted international air defense

NASAMS is a mid-range air defense system, designed to protect high-value assets and mass population centers against air-to-surface threats. It is used by 13 countries around the world.