The United States is continuing to work with Gulf States to increase readiness via international partnerships such as the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF).
The CMF, the largest naval partnership in the world with 46 member-nations, is aimed at combating illicit non-state actors and promoting security, stability and prosperity across approximately 3.2 million square miles (8.3 million square kilometers) of international waters.
It includes five Combined Task Forces (CTF): CTF 150 (Maritime Security Operations outside the Arabian Gulf); CTF 151 (Counter-Piracy); CTF 152 (Maritime Security Operations inside the Arabian Gulf); CTF 153 (Red Sea Maritime Security); and CTF 154 (Maritime Security Training).
The CMF is commanded by a US Navy Vice Admiral, who also serves as the commander of US Navy Central Command (NAVCENT) and US 5th Fleet.
![Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United States took part in CTF 152's Operation Sea Shield December 3-5, 2024. [CTF]](/ssc/images/2025/01/23/48863-picture-3-600_384.webp)
Most recently, the CTF 152 concluded Operation Sea Shield from December 2-5, 2024.
The operation focused on illicit narcotics smuggling, the illegal shipping of controlled materials and counter-piracy operations, the CMF said in a statement on December 11.
Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United States each contributed maritime assets and participated in the exercise, enabling them to share cutting-edge technology and training methodologies.
The operation involved coordination between the Kuwait Naval Force, Coast Guard and Police Aviation assets from the Kuwaiti Ministry of the Interior; the US Navy and US Coast Guard; the Qatari Emiri Navy, the Royal Bahraini Naval Force; the Royal Saudi Naval Force and Saudi General Directorate of Border Guards, the statement said.
Fostering cooperation
The leadership of the CTF rotates among member states, with Jordan, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia each having taken at least one turn leading since its inception.
Currently, the Kuwaiti Navy commands the CTF.
Established in 2004, the CTF 152 specializes in countering smuggling activities, disrupting activities that support terrorism and supporting legal fishing in the Arabian Gulf.
Non-state actors have been a persistent threat in the region, doggedly trafficking illicit narcotics and engaging in armed robbery of civilian vessels.
Further, the CTF provides critical protection to maritime infrastructure, including oil platforms, which remain a target for terrorist groups, and focuses on enhancing collective security in the region.
The US's continued leadership and support for CTF 152 and all of the CMF is indicative of its continued dedication to building the force readiness of its partners in the Gulf.
Through joint exercises such as Sea Shield, the United States and the CMF seek to share the lessons learned by the world's largest military in hopes of fostering a more secure future in the Gulf at a time of increased terrorist activities and threats.
This operation is part of the CMF's ongoing efforts to promote legitimate maritime activities and ensure that the Arabian Gulf remains a safe and secure environment.