
US retaliatory strikes against Iran-backed militants in Iraq, Syria mark 'start of response'


The US military hit dozens of targets linked to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force and affiliated militia groups, and officials say this is just the beginning.

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US military forces on February 2 launched retaliatory air strikes in Iraq and Syria against Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force and affiliated militia groups.

The strikes came in response to a drone attack that killed three US soldiers and wounded dozens more at a remote base in Jordan on January 27.

At 4pm (EST), numerous US aircraft, including long-range bombers flown from the United States, struck more than 85 targets with more than 125 precision munitions, US Central Command (CENTCOM) said in a statement.

The targeted facilities include command and control operations centers, intelligence centers, rockets, missiles, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) storage, and logistics and munition supply chain facilities of militia groups and their IRGC sponsors who facilitated attacks against US and coalition forces, it said.

A B-1 Lancer, which took part in the retaliatory strikes in Iraq and Syria on February 2, pictured here in flight. [US Air Force]
A B-1 Lancer, which took part in the retaliatory strikes in Iraq and Syria on February 2, pictured here in flight. [US Air Force]
A transfer case is unloaded on February 2 during the dignified transfer ceremony of the remains of three US service members killed in the drone attack on the US military outpost in Jordan. [Roberto Schmidt/AFP]
A transfer case is unloaded on February 2 during the dignified transfer ceremony of the remains of three US service members killed in the drone attack on the US military outpost in Jordan. [Roberto Schmidt/AFP]

"Our response began today. It will continue at times and places of our choosing," US President Joe Biden said in a statement.

"The United States does not seek conflict in the Middle East or anywhere else in the world. But let all those who might seek to do us harm know this: If you harm an American, we will respond," he added.

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told journalists the strikes lasted about 30 minutes, though they involved a lengthy trip for the B-1 Lancer bombers that took part after flying from the United States.

He said the Defense Department is still assessing damage from the strikes -- which hit dozens of targets at seven separate facilities -- but that the United States believes the raids were successful.

At least 20 Iran-affiliated fighters were reported killed in Syria, and an unconfirmed number of militants in Iraq, according to local sources.

Targets had been carefully chosen to avoid civilian casualties, Kirby said.

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said the February 2 action was "the start of our response."

"The president directed additional actions to hold the IRGC and affiliated militias accountable for their attacks on US and coalition forces," he said in a separate statement.

"We will continue to take action, do whatever is necessary to protect our people, and hold those responsible who threaten their safety," said CENTCOM commander Gen. Michael "Erik" Kurilla.

Deterring Iran and its proxies

On January 27, three US soldiers were killed and dozens others injured when a drone packed with explosives hit the remote Tower 22 base in Jordan near the border with Syria, where some 350 US troops are deployed as part of the campaign against the "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria" (ISIS).

The United States blamed the attack on the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, a loose alliance of pro-Iran militias, of which Kataib Hizbullah is the main group.

Regional countries, including Iraq and Jordan, condemned the January 27 attack carried out by Iran-backed militants, with Iraq urging the "end to the cycle of violence" in the region.

US and coalition forces have been attacked at least 165 times in Iraq, Syria and Jordan since mid-October with weapons including drones, rockets and short-range ballistic missiles.

While the United States does not seek war, the operation aims to deter Iran and its proxies and to erode their ability to launch future attacks on US forces and interests.

"They have a lot of capability," Austin said February 1 of Iran and its allies. "I have a lot more."

The United States has repeatedly sought to contain the conflict both through diplomacy and shows of force. This was not the first time it has turned to military action in the conflict.

After repeated warnings failed to deter Yemen's Iran-backed Houthis from attacking international shipping in the Red Sea, the United States, in coordination with the United Kingdom, and support from Australia, Canada, the Netherlands and Bahrain, conducted joint strikes on Houthi targets January 12.

The strikes aimed "to degrade their capability to continue their illegal and reckless attacks on US and international vessels and commercial shipping in the Red Sea," CENTCOM said in a statement.

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God suffices me and He is the best disposer of affairs against those infidel Zionists!


America is terrorism incarnate; it ranks number 1 all over the world. Hope the entire world will boycott it and its allies in order to topple it.


Who created those criminals? America is the greatest Satan in this region.


Why is America here? It must leave Arab countries, as it's not welcome.


The US is a terrorist, investing and stealing state. It’s attacking Arabs and Muslim countries and is seizing their natural wealth. It’s better that it, together with England, France, Germany, Italy, Australia, Canada and others, leave and return where they came from. Arabs will not give in to them as was the case in the past. They came to support the Zionist entity in annihilating Gaza to seize the natural gas in the sea off Gaza. Allah willing, the people of Gaza will not surrender, and Allah Almighty will give them a great victory against the Zionist entity and those that help it. Whether it’s Iran or others that are helping Palestine, the most important thing is that Palestine will survive and the [Zionist] entity and those helping it will be defeated and disappear. Greetings to the honest people, and shame and disgrace to the Zionist entity and criminal, colonial states!


[Unintelligible] / [Unintelligible] / They’ll all be defeated and run away. America worries about its interests because of the evil people. Let the bases and settlements be dismantled and leave from our land in the Arab world. Let the [unintelligible] sea be protected by its owners. Every action has an equal reaction in force. The United States and its henchmen have assaulted the small strip where 4 million people live. There is bombardment, destruction, bloodshed, tearing bodies to pieces, ethnic cleansing, and genocide in our Gaza. All of this is led by the terrorist super powers. However, Allah has given us the right to retribution; this is the time of the peoples not kings. Noorcina, daughter of al-Hussein. Palestina.


Hope peoples will calm down a bit and stop recklessness.
