Weapon Systems

Successful test of jamming pod shows US Navy's ongoing commitment to innovation


The US Navy's Advanced Off-Board Electronic Warfare (AOEW) system recently reached a significant milestone after it was tested from an MH-60R helicopter.

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A US Navy helicopter undergoes testing in an anechoic chamber. [US Navy]
A US Navy helicopter undergoes testing in an anechoic chamber. [US Navy]

The US Navy's recent test of an advanced anti-ship missile jamming pod is the latest demonstration of the service's commitment to the technology and innovation that enable it to maintain stability in the Middle East and beyond.

The Navy successfully tested the Advanced Off-Board Electronic Warfare (AOEW) Active Mission Payload (AMP) AN/ALQ-248 system while it was installed on a US Navy MH-60R helicopter, the manufacturer of the system said in a statement on December 12.

The AOEW is a pod-based electronic warfare missile defense system designed to be mounted on the US Navy's MH-60R and MR-60S platforms, though only the MH-60R was used for the recent test.

It is designed to provide the US Navy with enhanced electronic surveillance and attack capabilities against anti-ship missile threats, extending ship defense.

The test "marked the first time in the program's development the system was able to perform engagement testing, demonstrate the ability to deter threats, and quantify system performance, while integrated and controlled by the target platform," the manufacturer said.

"The AOEW system is one of the most advanced, complex electronic warfare systems ever developed," said a vice president of the manufacturer.

"AOEW is a force multiplier for our sailors that will help them dominate and control the battlespace without ever firing a single shot," he said.

"It is designed with evolutionary capabilities, set up to be completely programmable so that it can develop, deliver and deploy new techniques as the threat landscape changes."

More tests and demonstrations of the AOEW pod are planned in 2024, said the statement.

AOEW is under a low-rate initial production contract, and deliveries of the first AOEW units are expected in the next year, it added.

Aegis integration

The AOEW can work independently or with other systems onboard ships and other assets.

It leverages open-system architected solutions, allowing for rapid upgrades, interoperability, reduced life cycle costs and prompt insertion of new hardware.

Those solutions also lay the groundwork to deliver similar capabilities on other assets such as small ships or unmanned aerial and surface vehicles.

Most importantly, the AOEW can be fully integrated with the Aegis Combat System (ACS), a key capability that enables the United States and its allies to ensure regional stability.

The ACS is a complete system that includes a missile launching element, computer programs, a radar and displays that are fully integrated to work together to defend against advanced air and surface threats.

It enables ships to link radars with each other and aircraft to provide a composite picture of the battle space, and effectively increase the theater space.

Aegis is currently used by the US Navy and the navies of Japan, Spain, Norway, South Korea and Australia. The Canadian navy plans to use it.

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