Currently under the leadership of the Kuwaiti Navy, CTF 152 hones regional maritime cooperation.

Capabilities Analysis 2023-06-15

Russian Su-35 fighter is no match for US F-22 Raptor

The Su-35's technological deficiencies and its repeated downings in Ukraine show it is unlikely to win in a head-to-head confrontation with the far more advanced F-22.

Currently under the leadership of the Kuwaiti Navy, CTF 152 hones regional maritime cooperation.

Capabilities Analysis 2023-05-02

Naval decay: kleptocracy turns Russian navy into dangerous joke

Money goes into the pockets of corrupt contractors and Kremlin officials, leaving ships of Russia's allegedly vaunted navy unable to fight or sail, oftentimes with deadly consequences.

Currently under the leadership of the Kuwaiti Navy, CTF 152 hones regional maritime cooperation.

Capabilities Analysis 2023-04-25

Sinking of key warships signals failure of Russian naval doctrine

The Bastion Defence doctrine eventually led to Russian ships cowering in Sevastopol, their crews fearful of meeting the same fate as two high-profile ships that were sunk by Ukraine.

Currently under the leadership of the Kuwaiti Navy, CTF 152 hones regional maritime cooperation.

Capabilities Analysis 2023-02-23

Beijing's lack of appeal as strategic partner hinders sales of fighter jets, arms

China's sabre-rattling and continued threats toward its neighbours and the world at large have dried up much of the potential appetite for its weaponry.

Currently under the leadership of the Kuwaiti Navy, CTF 152 hones regional maritime cooperation.

Capabilities Analysis 2023-02-16

Doubtful future of China's J-10 fighter suggests new focus on 5th generation J-20

Since the J-10 was already obsolete when introduced, its limited capabilities and dubious track record suggest that China should focus on newer, more advanced fighter aircraft.

Currently under the leadership of the Kuwaiti Navy, CTF 152 hones regional maritime cooperation.

Capabilities Analysis 2023-02-14

Limited ground attack capabilities of China's J-10 cloud potential Taiwan invasion

While the J-10 fighter is able to conduct air-to-air combat and ground attack missions -- including the suppression of air defences -- it is particularly limited in the latter by a variety of factors.

Currently under the leadership of the Kuwaiti Navy, CTF 152 hones regional maritime cooperation.

Capabilities Analysis 2023-02-07

Tested in combat? For China's J-10 fighter jet, the answer is simple: never

War watchers in military headquarters worldwide know what the US-made F-16 can or cannot do. The same cannot be said for the J-10.

Currently under the leadership of the Kuwaiti Navy, CTF 152 hones regional maritime cooperation.

Capabilities Analysis 2023-02-06

China's J-10 fighter proves to hold little appeal for foreign buyers

Despite years of hawking its J-10 fighters, China has been unable to overcome doubts that surround the quality of Chinese-manufactured aircraft.

Currently under the leadership of the Kuwaiti Navy, CTF 152 hones regional maritime cooperation.

Capabilities Analysis 2023-01-27

Russia's Su-35 fighter jet fails to stack up against rival warplanes

While the Su-35 is Russia's most advanced fighter plane, the war in Ukraine, head to head trials, and dissatisfied potential buyers prove it has significant disadvantages compared to other aircraft.

Currently under the leadership of the Kuwaiti Navy, CTF 152 hones regional maritime cooperation.

Capabilities Analysis 2023-01-23

Limited search, targeting and tracking capabilities hamstring Russia's Su-35s

The limitations of Russia's much-touted fighter jet, which the Kremlin is trying to sell to uninformed and isolated governments, hinder its effectiveness as an alleged fourth-generation aircraft.