The United States and UAE conduct joint exercises regularly, focusing on enhancing interoperability and building partnership across forces.

Weapon Systems | 2024-09-05

US Army enhances anti-drone defense with Coyote interceptors

Coyote interceptors are designed to destroy incoming drones and are capable of performing intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions.

The United States and UAE conduct joint exercises regularly, focusing on enhancing interoperability and building partnership across forces.

Weapon Systems | 2024-08-14

Upgraded Tomahawk cruise missiles offer longer range, dynamic targeting

The latest Block V Tomahawk includes two variants: the Block Va Maritime Strike Tomahawk and the Block Vb Joint Multiple Effects Warhead System.

Has the US National Guard's State Partnership Program (SPP) brought value to partner countries?

The United States and UAE conduct joint exercises regularly, focusing on enhancing interoperability and building partnership across forces.

Weapon Systems | 2024-08-06

US Marine Corps' NMESIS enables distributed anti-ship operations

The Navy Marine Expeditionary Ship Interdiction System (NMESIS) offers the US Marine Corps a ground-based solution to support land-to-sea attacks.